Friday, November 18, 2011

I feel pretty useless. Which is better than feeling used, I guess...

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Exhilarating to read daily horoscopes at the end of the day! To scoff 'Hah! You wish' is turning out to be a fun game!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

I'm not sure I really want to deny you access to my life. To cut you off clinically and irretrievably. No. I think I want you to have access to my life, so you know my updates exactly. I want you to yearn for that life. I want us to have a distance that's been calculatingly measured: enough for you to believe its bridgeable, and yet being unfathomably unfathomable. I want it to be a mirage for you, one that you yearn for, but die of thirst in its quest.