Wednesday, April 21, 2010


Calcutta, the repeated-to-death City of Joy, is actually beyond just that. It is not within my vocabulary limits to even try and enunciate what I feel for her, what she means to me...So I resorted to capturing the visuals of the city through my camera, a humble mobile-phone camera, neither professional, nor fancy. But am happy, it was this meager instrument that I had with me, all the time, that helped me capture my city the way I wanted to.
For a long time now, I have seen photographic representations of Calcutta and have been deeply distressed at how it has been reduced to a set of visual archetypes...frankly, I was aching to break free of that mould...not to consciously do something "radically new", but to show to others the so many other faces of this city, that grows inch by inch...grows on you...

Acknowledgment: I thank Sovik Jana from the bottom of my heart. The camera belongs to him, and he has let me keep it, never wanting it back. Thanks.


Anonymous said...

s simply awesome, what you have done here..often we tend to disregard the means already available to us and pine for better means...and such has been the case with me always...but as always, you have showed me its not the means, but the end result that matters....and its beautiful.
I'm proud of you!

nonsensewares said...

the beautiful thing about them is this common theme of looking through, each of them hinting at something beyond, some promise, some aspiration, some dream, some gamble, of making it big, of serving many, of being noticed, of being appreciated, of reaching a broader road and so on. time to get yourself a camera.